A series of "Mastro Binelli" includes sparkling wine with a light, delicate character and floral-fruity bouquet. In line includes drink grape varieties Moscato, Malvasia and Bonarda. "Mastro Binelli" Malvasia Semidolce - light sweet sparkling wine from the company "Cantine Quattro Valli", created from grapes Malvasia di Candia, grown in the vast sub-region Emilia-Romagna. For making wine using traditional techniques champagne in the tanks. Cantine Quattro Valli - a company whose history dates back to the distant 1882, after meeting Perrini cooper and experienced wine maker Ferrari, which entailed their further cooperation. In 1980, the winery has been modernized, and two years later - to expand the area of vineyards. To date, "Cantine Quattro Valli" - a unique synthesis of innovation, experience and traditions. The company still recognizes only the hand-picking of grapes and wine aging in oak barrels. This winery is included in the official list of tourist destinations of Italy. Visitors can experience the full identity of the nearby villages, beautiful castles and picturesque taverns in which anyone can try fine wines from the traditional grape varieties of the region Kroatina and Malvasia, poured into glasses straight from the wood barrels.